Project title:
Innovative building of ecological awareness and culture by developing environmental skills and shaping the attitudes of people with mental disabilities
Programme: ERASMUS+
Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions
Partnership Type: Small-scalePartnerships
Action Type: KA210-ADU- Small-scale partnership in adult education
Field: Adult education
Duration of the project: 01/03/2022 – 29/02/2024
Project Number: 2021-2-SK01-KA210-ADU-000048280
Innovative building of ecological awareness and culture by developing environmental skills and shaping the attitudes of people with mental disabilities
Programme: ERASMUS+
Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions
Partnership Type: Small-scalePartnerships
Action Type: KA210-ADU- Small-scale partnership in adult education
Field: Adult education
Duration of the project: 01/03/2022 – 29/02/2024
Project Number: 2021-2-SK01-KA210-ADU-000048280
Building a positive attitude towards the environment is currently one of the most important priorities. Environmental skills and competences are needed for all citizens, including disadvantaged groups facing mental disabilities. Working with people with mental disabilities requires specific care in the provision of education, taking into account their individual needs and circumstances, so that everyone can realize their potential in different areas of life.
Inclusive education is becoming increasingly important in today's ever-changing world. It is important that people with mental disabilities also can fully and actively participate in sustainable environmental development in personal, professional and civic life. In the preparatory phase of the project, it was found that in all partner countries, environmental awareness, education and training takes place mainly within formal education. Non-formal education in this area is provided mainly for kindergarten, primary and secondary school children. The needs analysis showed that environmental education for adults with mental disabilities is carried out only to a small extent, with the help of non-governmental organizations and that the participation of the direct target group in lifelong learning is low. At the same time, there is no comprehensive educational material aimed at developing personal key environmental skills with the possibility of their application in real life, in the family, in the working environment and in the wider society.
For this reason, we consider that it is necessary to exchange good practice between professionals at the international level in the field of environmental education of people with mental disabilities, jointly develop the structure and content of innovative educational material aimed at developing people with mental disabilities’ environmental skills, contribute to shaping their values and positive attitudes to creating the environment, in particular by engaging in educational activities. At the same time, we will contribute to the development of other important competencies, such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and teamwork, digital skills, which also promote environmentally conscious and active citizenship.
The project will involve 3 partner organizations from three countries - the Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania operating in the field of counselling, education, special services and accredited employment for disadvantaged groups, including PMP, and 1 umbrella organization associating citizens with mental disabilities from Slovakia.
The main objectives of the project:
Inclusive education is becoming increasingly important in today's ever-changing world. It is important that people with mental disabilities also can fully and actively participate in sustainable environmental development in personal, professional and civic life. In the preparatory phase of the project, it was found that in all partner countries, environmental awareness, education and training takes place mainly within formal education. Non-formal education in this area is provided mainly for kindergarten, primary and secondary school children. The needs analysis showed that environmental education for adults with mental disabilities is carried out only to a small extent, with the help of non-governmental organizations and that the participation of the direct target group in lifelong learning is low. At the same time, there is no comprehensive educational material aimed at developing personal key environmental skills with the possibility of their application in real life, in the family, in the working environment and in the wider society.
For this reason, we consider that it is necessary to exchange good practice between professionals at the international level in the field of environmental education of people with mental disabilities, jointly develop the structure and content of innovative educational material aimed at developing people with mental disabilities’ environmental skills, contribute to shaping their values and positive attitudes to creating the environment, in particular by engaging in educational activities. At the same time, we will contribute to the development of other important competencies, such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and teamwork, digital skills, which also promote environmentally conscious and active citizenship.
The project will involve 3 partner organizations from three countries - the Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania operating in the field of counselling, education, special services and accredited employment for disadvantaged groups, including PMP, and 1 umbrella organization associating citizens with mental disabilities from Slovakia.
The main objectives of the project:
- developing the environmental skills and competences of people with mental disabilities, shaping their environmental attitudes and environmental responsibility through innovative education based on international experience,
- promoting social inclusion and lifelong learning for people with mental disabilities,
- supporting and developing international cooperation of organizations ensuring the protection of interests and providing social, counselling and educational services for people with disabilities with an emphasis on the people with mental disabilities, creation and strengthening of partner networks, professionalisation in the field of ecological education.
The main project results:
- Innovative environmental education ECO-COMPASS focused on shaping ecological awareness, skills, competencies, attitudes and responsible behaviour of people with mental disabilities
- ECO-COMPASS Electronic Collection of Good Practice Examples focused on environmenta leducation and awareness-raising, with a special emphasis on people with mental disabilities
- ECO-COMPASS Project Guide
Target groups of the project:
Direct target groups:
Direct target groups:
- Adults with mild and moderate mental disabilities
Indirect target groups:
- Professional staff of organizations,
- Educational institutions,
- Non-governmental organizations,
- Labour offices,
- Supported employment agencies,
- Consulting organizations,
- Partner organizations,
- Employers, including sheltered workshops and workplaces,
- Professional organizations,
- Organizations providing counselling for people with disabilities,
- Local authorities,
- Umbrella organisation for people with mental disabilities,
- Organizations active in the field of the environment.
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